Monday, October 11, 2010

Sarah Palin: Star of the North

Like most of my ideas for paintings, inspiration came organically through a rather predictable route.

Two great statemen were lost, legendary icons in Alaska - Wally Hickel and Ted Stevens.  There was much discussion around their passing, and I woke one morning with a clear focus on my "take aways" from these two.

Both had something more than my Stars of Gold series in common, an uneasy relationship with Sarah Palin.  Wally had championed her early on, then walked away.  Ted had been kicked in the ribs by her several times when he was down, but didn't punish the State for the blows he got from her Governor.  They were steady men.  Hardworking.  Dependable Pioneers of the Greatland.  Both had war raged against them by Sarah Palin.

Sarah Feuds.  Seemed to me that she had a few, so many, in fact, she could wave a flag full of them on her battlefield.  A Feud Flag.  I had no idea what I had gotten myself in to.

I first heard of Sara when my step-father, Tom Walker, was Chief-of-Police in Seward.  Apparently, she had unceremoniously dumped the Wasilla chief shortly after being elected mayor.  Didn't sit to well with Tom.  She kicked the Wasilla librarian as well. Then there was that bit with Randy Reudrich, and Andree McLeod, Zane Henning, and lets not forget Frank and Lisa Murkowski.  She could run stripes with their names.

Mike Wooten, Lyda Green, John Bitney, John McCain...then I hit the motherload with a Google search. Newt Gringrich, Kate Gosselin, Steve Schmidt, Emily's List, John Kerry, Scott Brown, Frank Bailey, John Kerry, Rahm Emanuel, the National Organization for Women, The Family Guy, Oprah, Asley Judd, Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Letterman, Dan Fagan, Joe McGinniss, the US Export Import Bank, President Obama, Levia Johnston and lets not forget Katie Couric - who started it first, after all, with that stupid "what do you read" question.

Val Henning was right, who hasn't Sarah Palin had a feud with?  I've got the study finished, but I think I am going to need a much bigger canvas for the final.


Anonymous said...

Can we feud her back? The State should Copyright "north star" & NOT allow her to use it. She's already made us look bad enough.

Brandon Tschannen said...

Sarah Palin is ridiculous and I can't believe she is being taken so seriously. It is scary how social media can blow literally anything/one up in a short period of time. I would like to also point out that I think it is funny that the Tea Party are using the same campaigning strategies as Obama did during his run for president.