Come to Chinooks Thursday from 5-7pm Get your hand shook, your baby kissed. Ask the hard questions, bring your friends.
Hi Dorene,
Thanks for the heads up. I don't want my hand shook or a baby kissed or a
song and dance. I'd just like to know what all that rhetoric was about last
year about saving the Ferry in Seward.
I suspected that they were all just blowing smoke. They were all just
stroking us. I'd like to see our representatives give us the straight talk
and not dance around the bush. What's he "really" all about. That's a
rhetorical question. I don't think he could give a direct answer to any
Marie Wagner
Please come, ask the hard questions, and if you don't get a satisfactory answer - press it. We deserve the skinny. I don't expect people to pull a rabbit out of the hat, but I do expect due diligence and a straight answer.
And for the record, I do not believe that the Seward City Council gave the ferry issue our best effort. I think that the issue was blown off ("they always threaten to take it away, and they never do") until the drop dead date. Way too little, way too late.
I don't think that it really sunk into some of my fellow council member's heads that it was really leaving until the Tusty pulled away from the dock for the last time. I don't blame our new city manager, he came on board too far behind the power curve to do anything about it. I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the city council, and am sorry for my ineffectiveness on getting my fellow members to see the light.
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