Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Paddle to Seattle, Journey Through the Inside Passage

Josh Thomas and J.J. Kelley are goofballs.  There is really no better description for these two fun loving, wise cracking, adventurous souls who spend a summer trekking from Seward to Seattle in homemade sea kayaks.

Make no mistake, this is a buddies movie.  Two dudes, hanging out, doing what dudes do.  Quintessentially so, Paddle to Seattle could actually define the genera.   

Which is why I loved it, from the opening scenes to the closing credits this unpretentious, good-natured film embraces the better moments of well-spent youth.  There is honesty in every shot, a little rough editing here and there, but overall a very solid piece that won’t fail to please as an Inside Passage travelogue.

I made a similar voyage a few years ago, only in a much larger vessel that zipped across the Gulf of Alaska like it was a pond, and didn’t have near the fun these two displayed in their three month journey.

Must see film, especially for boat captains.  Plays again on Friday, December 11th at 5:45 pm at the Alaska Experience Theater.

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