Monday, October 09, 2006

Captain Leif "Reef" Olson is a Whale Snob

Drop off the California Couple and Leif turns his head away (and the boat) from all but the most spetacular whale watching experience. Forget the migrating humpbacks, over fifty of them, as they blow vapor into the the air. Are they waving their tails? They are? How often? How close are they? Is it just one whale or a mom and calf? Well, we would stop if it was a sperm whale, or a beaked whale, or maybe even a right or blue whale....but a humpback. Please.

Keith stopped for a humpback once, at Leif's request, and it was definately worth the turning around and verging off course that we did. Over fifty tons, this exceptionally friendly male gave us full tail three times, breached from the water three times - once so close it threw barnacles all over the decks, and then rolled over and waved goodbye to us three times.

Of course the Californian tourists and their Cannon Rebel were gone, so we have no photos of this amazing event. But will definately go down in the lifetime memories I will never forget category. Later we wents to Bishops, a Japanese-style hot springs in a remote area of British Columbia. Accessible only by boat, we had the charming facilities to ourselves for most of the day, stormy weather pushing in six boats to safe haven that night. Probably a good thing, because the sight of Leif picking his way through the tidepools is another one of those lifetime memories I will never forget.

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