Scileppi became one of my favorite people the instant I laid eyes on him.
He has his issues, let's get that out front first. I cannot pronounce his name for my life. He smokes. He has a history of getting distracted at the worst possible moments by psycho-chicks who stalk him for months after they were never-really-dating-in-the-first-place.
His points of quality have always greatly outweighed his bad points. He can discern between someone doing the right thing for the wrong reason, and the person doing the wrong thing for the right reasons in a blink of his eye. He understands the inherent beauty of the work of Gustav Klimt. He is brilliant, wickedly smart, clever, and oozes the sophisticated boyish charm of Cary Grant. Not only does he know how to read, he also knows how to speak.
So when Scileppi makes an appointment to speak to me about something important, and then calls from his Manhattan bathtub - you know there is something afoot.
Crossroads of life. And I sooo get this one.
Do you pick the penthouse apartment on 76th and Park Avenue with the 360 degree views of the New York skyline and Central Park or a 1,000 acre ranch in the Tubac desert with a sky full of diamonds that glitter 12 months out of the year?
Do you chose lifelong friends, the strength of your family or the opportunities afforded you by the contacts and alliances you have made in your travels?
Do you make it on your own merits, or walk the high rope with a safety net below you?
I can understand the lure of each life, the draw after a time living inside a glimpse of what could be. The headache and heartache of the sacrifices of each. Chasing down the variables to attempt to determine where each road will leave you.
Scileppi and I are very different animals, yet very similar in our differences. It brings me great honor that he would seek out my opinion in such a significant determination. Need to sleep on it, think it through, not a hasty choice to make. Have been through the same process myself, more than once - but what is right for me is not necessarily right for Scileppi.
Oh yes, this dreamy gentleman is single - and if you are interested and pass my "is she worthy" questions I will forward your contact info to him.
It has been an honor and a pleasure for me to have stalked this studmuffin!
He's definitely unique and unforgettable.
Even if he would suddenly get into the mood to ask me, I'm afraid I'd have to turn down his marriage proposal, because the results of such a union would be a kind of relay re: which one of us would drive the other crazy first, or would it be a tie?
Not the longest race in the world, as it would be such a short putt for either of us. LOL
In all seriousness, this guy truly is pretty special.
My jury is still out re: whether he (or I) should ever be cloned...
AJ :-)
P.S. Great picture of him! He looks so Classic Hollywood in it.
so i googled my last name and this is one of the things that popped up...i am a scileppi myself and figured im probably related somehow, just thought it was interesting.
~Alexandra Scileppi
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