Monday, September 05, 2005

Girlfriends Shout Out over FEMA Fingerpointing

Like the rest of America I have watched FOX for the last week almost non-stop as the coverage of Katrina has continued; thank you for those reports!

I wonder if anyone has considered, much less reported, how unrealistic it is to expect ‘any’ supplies at any’ disaster site before the 4th day of the event?

I was once married to a FEMA worker, 26 years in fact. Because of those years, I have some idea what it takes to get a DFO (Disaster Field Office) up and running. My former husband served as an APO (Area Property Officer) for a number of years, and many times he shared some of the challenges that plague the logistics division of FEMA.

If one of your reporters care to do the research, the convoy of 1700 trucks arriving BEFORE the 6th day into the disaster is miraculous by all standards. Would even FOX report that as supplies are shipped and loaded and wrapped and prepared for all conditions, some ‘body must account for every MRE and every bottle of water..especially under the Bush administration?

When the tabulation for monies spent is being hammered into our pocket books as tax payers in the months and years to come, then maybe we will appreciate knowing that not even a waste can is unaccounted for when these field offices are disassembled and no longer required.

Under Mr. Clinton it wasn't so. As FEMA becomes more obvious, i.e. additional teams and shelters, and offices for property claims are constructed, somebody needs to report that these buildings and personnel do not just magically appear.

Under normal circumstances, these guys work day and night until everything is in place for those who have been displaced and lost their homes. Perhaps now folks, as mobile homes begin to arrive, along with generators, water filters and communications systems, newscasters including the remarkable Shepherd Smith might report what it takes to move these huge items into areas hardest hit, especially over highways that do not exist!

Also as a matter of note, in some of the less devastating storms, I know that FEMA employees have worked as many as 4 to 5 days without sleep and with very little nourishment. I can only imagine the sacrifices and efforts are being made this week.

Finally, I find it unbelievable that any’ government’ official would ridicule the Federal Government during this disaster, much less on national TV. Talk about poor leadership and poor examples THAT example is totally unacceptable to this taxpayer and citizen.

As an afterthought...when the earthquake hit the San Francisco area...when was that (?)19xx or other. The video of the policeman "GIVING INSTRUCTION" immediately following the quake has left an eternal impression in my mind!!

In the midst of the rubble, he was yelling "Go to your homes,find what is useable. The NEXT 72 HOURS YOU ARE ON YOU OWN...ANY ASSISTANCE WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR AT LEAST THE NEXT 3 days."

I realize that in this disaster, homes were non-existent, however, I personally used that piece of tape "help will not be available for at least 3 days" at local county fairs, (and for a number of years) in a presentation "How to prepare your 72 hour emergency kit."

Guys, I have watched the suffering, and I have wept right along with those telling their stories. Aso please understand I pass no judgment on those dear folks in the Gulf region but there needs to be some realistic expectations reported.

Perhaps we could give a thumbs up that it takes time to get supplies into an area with roads; surely it took a miracle to get them into New Orleans without highway access through most of the Gulf region! Only Shep mentioned that some of the Guardsmen stated "We've been on the road for days!"

Speaking of Shepherd, he'’s wonderful! Bless his heart. He'’s also a lucky little pup; he had no business being down on Bourbon Street during that storm! Somebody up there must love him, too! His reporting has been excellent.

Finally, I watched as he begged’ for THE LOCAL officials to simply send someone to the overpass to explain anything to those poor wandering souls who were dying. Who has mentioned that?

Official car after official car went by these people again, and again, without so much as a word of direction. The gentlemen interviewed by Smith during the third day said "All we want is somebody to tell us where to go!" Seemed like a reasonable request to me.

Anyway, this is just an opinion of an old gal who sends her support and prayers to all of you who are reporting this disaster and especially those who have lost their lives and homes! Appreciate your efforts there at FOX.

From Lawrenceburg, Kentucky - very truly yours,

Lyndell Gordon

Personally, after watching not only FOX but the other networks, I am very discouraged at how people continue to complain and complain rather than expressing gratitude for all the good that has been and is continuing to be done.

We all are only humans, not gods or supermen, doing their best for most part and that should count for something. It makes me feel good when thankfulness is expressed bucriticismisappointment for unfounded and uncalled for critisism.

Perhaps during those first hours before the federal help could arrive, those local officials who passed many without a hand or even an explanation should be questioned as to their conduct. A simple statement, if they too had no answers or directions to give, that they had no answers to give would have eased tention.

But even then who are we to cast blame for we were not in their shoes, could not know what they were feeling and experiencing, have not spoken to them. Let's go forward helping and allow everyone to be innocent until proven guilty.

Receive word today that many of our southern friends are okay and doing well although some have lost even their home. We all are grateful for many blessings.

We do live in America!!! There is really so very much compassion being given. Let's hear more of that rather than keep pounding the negative. I'm tired of it! Thanks for listening!

Sally Slack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know there are a lot of hero's and a lot of good people that have went above and beyond the call of duty.


If we're so superior to "third world" countries, why can they (referring to the chinese) evacute millions of people in less time than it took for FEMA to get boots on the ground?

A lot of people would not have died if the government had a better disaster relief plan.

I mean, FEMA turned away help that was ready days before their first trucks were, Cops turned away citizens with boats wanting to help extract people.

WHY? So they can site some silly overused rehortic like "we've got the situation under control please return to your home's and wait."

If they had the situation under control they would've dispatched every helicopter within a 100 mile radius "commondeered would be a better term". And started lifting people out.

They would've asked that anyone with a boat get in it and start gathering people. They would allow AMERICANS to be AMERICANS. Instead of being overbearing and telling us everything's under control while they go to three or four meetings a day to talk about what to do.

I say too much talk and not enough action led to a lot of dead people that could've been saved. But the governments desire to show us they're in control and handling the situation overshadowed the desire of the AMERICAN people to help their brothers and sisters in distress.

Call me what you will, I love the USA and dissent is what keeps our country in balance. (Not Michael Moore dissent, but honest thoughtful debate)

I pray nightly for the people effected by this disaster and I believe I should add a line to it tonight something like..

"Lord please grant our government officials the wisdom to see that it's citizens is it's only real strength."