Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Ellen has Annointed me Queen

The owner of the only "mommy" blog that I like, only because it is hilariously funny, is one I found surfing BlogExplosion.com called The Reign of Ellen.

In addition to making fun of her deserving husband (if you think for a moment that he is an innocent bystander read his 100 things about Ellen) she is a very talented artist. Her cartoons are great, highly recommend you check her out by hitting the title of this post.

And many thanks to Ellen for making the first cartoon of me that I am aware of.

And my cousin Loren just sent me a new joke:

I was sitting in a cafeteria recently, next to a woman (blonde), who was engrossed in her newspaper. One of the headlines blared: "12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed."

She shook her head at the sad news.Then, turning to me, asked: "How many is a brazilian?"

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