Friday, September 16, 2005

Doggone Misty done did it Again

My favorite assistance has cracked me up again, and she doesn't even realize it.

I have discovered the "What dog are you?" test, actually looking at how cool the presentation is - notably retro in a good way.

Put in the answers for Misty Jo and the computer spits out that she is a dog I have never heard of, the Bichon Havanese.

This is a Cuban dog, also know as the Havanese Silk Dog because of its long, flowing coat, which gives it somewhat of a mystical look. It is a member of the Bichon family, a group of toy dogs originating in the Mediterranean area. Traditionally given as gifts to wealthy friends and often seen in circuses.

I like the circuses part. That is when I started laughing. Working with Misty is always a circus.

Havanese are natural companion dogs, gentle and responsive. Kinda like Misty. They become very attached to their families and are excellent with children. Misty.

Cheerful and sociable they get along with everyone including people, dogs, cats and other pets. Misty even got along with Casmir's pet shrimp...Spike. The one that ate everything else we put in the tank.

It is very sensitive and harsh words will only upset the animal. Misty. So very Misty. She looks so cute when she is so wound up that she is shaking because someone chose to say the wrong words around her.

Then the picture of the dog came up....dead ringer for people who look like their pets.

If you want to link to the site to see what kind of doggie you are click the title. The set up of the alone is worth taking a look. A good example of how you can make something mundane cool just by sprinkling a little magic fairy dust on it.

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