Saturday, September 03, 2005

1920 Pathfinder Uncovered and Available

Just got up a relatively high definition copy of The Pathfinder, Seward Edition, June, 1920. This amazingly well illustrated document was a monthly publication of the Pioneers of Alaska. The photographs of early Alaskan life are a must see.

Articles include A Few Facts about Seward, Alaska, Big Game on the Kenai Peninsula, Rev. John Wight Chapman of New York's mission in Anivk, Biographies of Pioneers Joseph Richards, John J. O'Brien, J.S. Badger, J. C. Gilpatrick, Major B.F. Smythe, Liett. Fredrick Schwatka, and George Sexton. Our Monthly "Letter to Bill" - offers very colorful tales about local residents, and the Pioneer's Family Journal is a must for genealogically minded.

Some interesting advertisements for things such as "Internal both with Lady attendant and steam heated sleeping rooms in connection" and various business services for locations is Anchorage, Cordova, Valdez and Seward.

Find it at
segpages/sept05/pathfinder/pathfinder.html or click on the title of this post to go there now.

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