Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Busy Little Bee

In my attempts to learn the magic language of html (with a great deal of assistance from Blog Gods around the world) I have added some new content that it not obvious at first glance.

All of the e-mails I have been holding in my City of Seward folder have now been deposited into my forum. To access it click on the button on the left.

There are a couple pages of different subjects, so don't be dismayed if you aren't immeidately finding the nugget you are looking for...turn the page.

I tried my best to keep them in date order so you can follow events as they transpire.

Unfortunately I was doing this early in the morning, my brain doesn't really work well first thing in the morning, so I didn't think to add the actual posting date in the subject line until it was way to late.

Will continue to add on to these topics as content arrives. Don't be shy about adding your comments directly. I am unable to upload pictures/scanned letters into this forum. Will post those on when I unbury the avalanche that has hit my desk.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I maintain the BlogPhiles webring. I have tried to email you but the email address you have given does not appear to work.

Unfortunately I cannot accept your site onto the ring until the ring code has been added on to your site. I realise that the BlogPhile ring code would not match the format you use for ring codes. If you still wish to join the ring please feel free to simply miss out the "add form" link.

If you need the ring code re-emailing to you please let me know
