Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Going Skin Deep without a Tongue Bath

Spynx are hairless and creep me out.
Microdermabrasion. It's a long word.  Actually, it maybe a couple words that I just say together really fast as if they were one.  I'm not really sure.

It means superficial damage to the skin, and, when done on purpose,  Kelly Whitworth tells me with a straight face that it feels like a cat is licking you.

I actually own a cat, Maggie.  I don't let her lick me.  It's nothing personal, I don't let the dog lick me either.

I didn't intend to own a cat, not yet anyway.
Eventually.   I plan on being the scary old lady with white scraggly hair that lives at the end of the street and has wild cats running everywhere.
The one that everyone whispers is a witch.  But, that isn't until AFTER my run for the US Senate as a Tea Party Candidate.

The girls asked me for a cat for Christmas last year.  They wanted one that didn't have any hair, a breed they call the Spynx.  It is a relatively new breed that comes from Canada where a stray female produced hairless kittens.

There actually is a decent Spynx cattery in Alaska named Woolies, which claims on their website that these in-your-face pets are perfect for everyone.   I know.  And later, after the disclaimer that the Sphynx is NOT hypo-allergenic, they also tell you that the Sphynx requires frequent bathing which removes the dirt, oil and dander that cause allergies.

I could not visualize myself giving a shivering hairless cat a bath once, and there is no way that it was going to happen frequently.  The wrinkly folds of their skin made me feel 20 years older just looking at the picture.  I tubed the idea immediately.

The girls did some more research and determined that male black cats are least likely to be adopted from a shelter, also known as more likely to be killed, so I agreed to a mature, housebroken, neutered, black adult male cat.

Craigslist pointed us to a local cat adoption operation known as Clear Creek Cat Rescue which picks up all the strays from Sarah Palin's pound and finds them new homes.  They charge $60 and offer a 10 day return for any reason with a full refund.  Didn't think you could get more reasonable than that.

Boris-Poe-Maggie, a black Angora
Of course, as luck would have it, they had a rare breed kitten that was solid black and was dumped because the breeder couldn't sell him.  They named the Angora "Boris," and put him in with a half dozen other fosters in a trailer, where he spent most of his time hiding.  He came home with us.

Boris wasn't mature, adult, or neutered, but he was housebroken.  His name change to Poe, after Edgar Allen.  He liked to eat the power cord to my computer, and knocked down a lamp when he got zapped, which crashed into the screen of my laptop causing the immediate unresurrectable death of my iMac.  The one I perform all my work product on.  The cat and I hit it off really well early on.

Oh, Poe could NOT be neutered, I discovered when I took him to the vet, because he is a girl - which is why he is now named Maggie, after the cougar in the Rod Stewart song.

Back to microdermabrasion.  I went over to Kelly's office, Exquisite Skin Esthetics which is part of the Alyeska Center for Facial Plastic Surgery to get the dead skin vacuumed off my face.  Well, that is what it is, really.  Your face is no different than any other surface, and there are two ways that professionals use to get stuff that is stuck on off - they either sandblast or use a bagged sander.  Sandblasting is when they use crystals, while a diamond head works more like a sander.

Broken capillaries ruined my porcelain doll complexion.
Microdermabrasion isn't going to work as well for me as it does for other skin types, because I have skin that is easily broken - hence the red spider web of broken capillaries that have cropped up from extreme cold and sun exposure when I was climbing McKinley without oxygen back in the early 70s... or walking to Homestead Elementary School in winter, whatever.  Kelly suggests a light microdermabrasion will lift off all the lint and leave a clean surface for the next procedure, the IPL Photofacial.

After having experienced the microdermabrasion, I can say that there is more grief involved in figuring out how to say it and how to spell it than the procedure itself actually brings.  Kelly showed Bella all the dead skin she lifted off my spanking-clean-to-start-with skin, it was a tidy pile I chose not to look at.  Skin lint.  Ewh.

In Make Up an hour later.  No worries.
There was a little bit of redness that went away after an hour or so, nothing really to get excited about, and it was easily covered with make up for the Pamyua music video appearance I had scheduled right after that.

Microdermabrasion didn't feel like a cat licking my face, it wasn't wet and scratchy at all.  Instead it felt like the time I got bored and decided to put the vacuum cleaner hose over my eye and came up with a hickey...only with less suction.

No, there are no photos of that, but I told everyone that my then-boyfriend, Bryan Schutt, accidentally caught me with his elbow, and he was kind enough not to correct me in public.

Microdermabrasion isn't painfully expensive,  $120 a session as a stand alone or $75 when combined with another treatment.  It buffs away the surface skin cells while improving circulation and product absorption.   Kinda like sanding the wood's surface before you paint.  I figured if I was going all out with the IPL Photofacial it only made sense to do what I could to obtain the best possible result, I know a little prep work in refinishing wood can make all the difference in the success of the finished product.

Come join me on my appointment with Kelly and Bella, and see how things went first hand.  Watch the three 5 minute videos now by clicking here.


Undersecretary to the Deputy Commissariat said...

My best cats have been black males, of both long- and shorthair varieties. I'd rescue another right now if the existing cat system in our home were not so delicately balanced.

Good for you!

Undersecretary to the Deputy Commissariat said...

All right, I've seen the video. Get Shannyn and Rada and two celebrity sketch artists to play Pictionary against each other, and I'd buy two tickets.