Sunday, November 29, 2009

Putting it to Paper for Sarah's Next Book

With great zeal I lifted my Breast Cancer pink Tul gel pen, grinning like my Todd just won the Iron Dog, and with great zest and exuberance focused my sharp Governor’s eyes on the signature line of the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, our great state's robust solution to the American energy crisis, which I single handedly used to teach those big good old boy international oil companies, and their dirty stinking lobbyists, that we Alaskans are carving our own destiny with our own rules, to our own benefit, and if they don’t like it they can take their business somewhere else, but we know that they won’t, because this is the best possible business model for them to go forward into our great big beautiful state, into our pristine salmon-filled waters, and majestic purple mountains, and caribou-rich/predator-free arctic tundra, and, like I always say, drill baby, drill!

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