Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Big Changes A Foot

Just had a few of my new works photographed in preparation for the Spring Show Season.

They are all 16x20 vivid acrylic on stretched canvas, and should retail around $500 USD.

More to come, three are still being worked on and the larger format pieces haven't been photographed yet.

Looking foward to getting them done so I can work on portraits!

In an amazing act of creative avoidance, I spent most of my day designing a new skin for this blog. Quite a feat considering I have no training and had to tap hard into my Lorenz-given technical genius...ha ha ha.

Yes, I know it still needs some tweeking, but it is 2 am and I haven't lifted a paint brush all day. But hey, we don't need no stinking directions.

Not exactly what I mapped out in Photoshop, but since GoLive refused to co-operate (and I barely know how to use the programs anyway) had to improvise. Not bad for a first try, will take another stab at it on a quiet day.

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